Stephen Howlett

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Biographical Information

Stephen Howlett joined Peabody Trust "as Chief Executive in March 2004. Before joining Peabody, Stephen was the chief executive of the Amicus Group — a group of housing organisations working in London and the South East — and a director of Notting Hill Housing Trust. Prior to this, he worked for the National Housing Federation and the Housing Corporation, precursor of the Homes and Communities Agency. Stephen was Chair of g15, the group of London’s major housing associations from 2009 to 2011.

"Stephen is a member of the government’s Communities and Local Govern­ment’s Housing Sounding Board, the Residential Committee of the British Property Federation and one of the Mayor’s Leaders for London on sustainability. He has a particular interest in education and skills and is voluntary Vice Chair of the Court of the University of Greenwich and will become Chair and Pro Chancellor in August. He is a board member of Asset Skills, the Sector Skills Council for the housing, cleaning and facilities management industries. Stephen joined the Peabody Board in 2011." [1]


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  1. Peabody Trust Board, organizational web page, accessed April 11, 2013.