Steve Farrell

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Biographical Information

"Steve Farrell has been the Worldwide Coordinating Director for Humanity's Team since early 2004.

"I was a technology entrepreneur based in Silicon Valley in the mid-1990’s when through a sequence of events, including the death of my sister, I decided to sell the companies I was involved with to focus on a spiritual path. At this time I came to know Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God material. I helped him with some of his ventures and a few years later, offered my assistance in the planning and launch of Humanity's Team. Shortly after Humanity's Team was founded in mid-2003 I was asked by Neale to lead Humanity's Team and in early 2004 I became the Worldwide Coordinating Director. At this time, I led a team of people from around the world in creating a non-profit organization, a governance structure, and programs and plans to awaken and embody Oneness on the Earth so humanity may enjoy a sustainable world of peace, harmony and happiness. Humanity's Team is now governed by a Council of Trustees, a Worldwide Coordinating Director, a Core Team and a Global Council composed of leaders from around the world.

"Humanity's Team presently has over 60,000 teammates in over 150 countries and provides resources for personal transformation, starts groups in communities focused on embodying Oneness in our daily life, creates educational programs and engages in Sacred Activism. Sacred Activism projects include monthly programs focused on living in Oneness and helping people and the environment, and an annual program focused on Global Oneness Day, October 24th.

"Humanity's Team is presently collaborating with many organizations worldwide to build Global Oneness Day into something resembling Earth Day. Before 1970, when Earth Day was first created, there was little focus on the environment. Today, many people in many parts of the world honor and support the environment each day of the year. Similarly, Humanity's Team has created one day each year when humanity acknowledges, honors and celebrates our Oneness so in the not too distant future humanity may live as One each and every day."[1]

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  1. Humanity's Team Trustees, organizational web page, accessed April 30, 2012.