Steve Gutow

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Biographical Information

"Rabbi Steve Gutow is President and CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the coordinating body for 14 national Jewish agencies and 125 local Jewish community relations councils and federations. He is a lawyer, rabbi, and activist. Steve served on the Economic Recovery Task Force of the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and is one of the JCPA representatives on the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable, a coalition of 18 Jewish social justice organizations building a unified movement that is part of the national Jewish agenda. He chaired the Save Darfur Coalition.

"Steve was the founding executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council and the first southwest regional director for AIPAC. He is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. Steve was the Rabbi of the Reconstructionist Minyan of St. Louis and served as an Adjunct Law Professor at St. Louis University. Steve has been named to the "Forward 50." In 2009 and 2010, Newsweek named him the 20th most influential rabbi in the U.S. In January of 2010, Steve had an article appear on the Jewish Telegraphic Agency website co-written with Rabbi David Saperstein of the Religious Action Center entitled, "Our Tu b'Shevat Responsibility." Steve has delivered his passionate beliefs on Jewish environmentalism in numerous sermons, speeches, and presentations to various synagogues, environmental events, at the Institute on Religion & Public Policy's 2008 Inter-parliamentary Conference on Human Rights and Religious Freedom, and on several occasions before the Senate Democratic Outreach Steering Committee. And in July of 2011, Steve began his co-chairmanship of the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life." [1]


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  1. National Religious Partnership for the Environment Board, organizational web page, accessed August 29, 2012.
  2. Faith in Public Life People, organizational web page, accessed October 1, 2012.