Steven Hoffman

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Biographical Information

"Steven Hoffman serves as Co-owner at Best Organics LLC, past president and board member of Naturally Boulder, and Managing Partner at Compass Natural, a marketing communications firm serving LOHAS, natural, organic & green business...

"Hoffman is also former President of People Planet Profit Colorado, now known as CORE, the state’s leading sustainable business association. He is the co-founder of the annual LOHAS conference and LOHAS Journal, serving the $240-billion Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability market. In 2002, Hoffman founded Compass Natural, a consulting firm specializing in the LOHAS market. He is the former National Marketing Director and Rocky Mountain Regional Sales Manager for Arrowhead Mills, a leading manufacturer of organic foods. Prior to that, Hoffman was employed by New Hope Natural Media from 1985 to 1993 as the Editorial Director of Natural Foods Merchandiser, the industry’s leading trade magazine, and Education Director for Natural Products Expo, the leading trade shows serving the natural and organic products industry. As Managing Director from 2007-2010 of The Organic Center, an independent research and education nonprofit dedicated to advancing scientific research about organic food and agriculture, Hoffman helped elevate the organization on a national and international stage.

"Hoffman is a former Agricultural Extension Agent, and a former Peace Corps Volunteer, serving in Latin America. He received a M.S. degree in Agriculture in 1984 from Pennsylvania State University, and also studied economics at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. " [1]


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  1. medicinehunter Steven Hoffman, organizational web page, accessed February 24, 2013.
  2. medicinehunter New Tribe, organizational web page, accessed February 24, 2013.