Stevie Spring

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Biographical Information

"Stevie stepped down as Chief Executive of Future plc, a fully listed international consumer publishing company in November 2011. She graduated in law and spent four years in marketing and two years launching breakfast television before starting a 16-year career in advertising agency management. From 2000-2006, she was Divisional Chief Executive of Clear Channel, the world's largest radio, out of home and live entertainment company.

"She is a Fellow of both the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising and the Marketing Society; a patron of NABS, a Companion of the Chartered Institute of Management and an honorary member of WACL.

"Prior to taking over as Chairman of BBC Children in Need in 2008, she served three terms as Chairman of The Groundwork Federation, the UK's largest organisation delivering community regeneration projects; and was Audit Chair for Arts and Business,one of the Princes Trust Charities. " [1]

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  1. BBC Children in Need Trustees, organizational web page, accessed June 26, 2012.