Story Clark Resor

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Biographical Information

"Story Clark is a consultant specializing in land conservation strategy and finance, advising conservation organizations and foundations in the Rocky Mountain Region and elsewhere. She has worked in land conservation and land use planning for over 30 years in association with (among others) the Jackson Hole Land Trust, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and as a county planner for Teton County, Wyoming.

"Ms. Clark currently serves on boards or advisory boards that include: the American Conservation Association, Conservation International, Ruckelshaus Institute for Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming, the Wyoming Stockgrowers Agricultural Land Trust, the Tuckernuck Land Trust, and the Lady Bird Johnson Award Jury. She recently retired from the boards of the Land Trust Alliance and the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University." [1]


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  1. Story Clark Bio, organizational web page, accessed January 2, 2013.