Stu Semigran

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Biographical Information

"Stu Semigran has more than thirty years experience as an educator, developing and facilitating training programs for youth and adults in educational settings worldwide. He has trained thousands of professionals, youth, educators, and parents in leadership development, dropout prevention, conflict resolution, violence prevention, teambuilding, self-esteem, and community service programs. Significant increases in students’ promotional rates, attendance and academic grades have been noted in middle and senior high schools nationwide, as a result of his work.

"As Co-Founder and President of the EduCare Foundation and Executive Director of EduCare’s Achievement and Commitment to Excellence (ACE) Program, Stu has developed and led national staff development, teambuilding and negotiation in partnership programs for teachers and administrators, and parenting workshops for parents.

"Mr. Semigran has developed education curriculum, including Making the Best of Me: A Handbook for Student Excellence and Self-Esteem, which is being used in schools worldwide. From 1995-2000, Stu was instrumental in implementing school reform at over 70 schools and children centers through the Annenberg Project of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

"A highly skilled and motivating speaker with an exceptional rapport with people of all ages, he has appeared on radio and television, and has provided training for thousands of adults, teens and children throughout the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Australia, the Caribbean and the Middle East. Since 1983, Stu has been a lead facilitator for Insight Seminars and has also served as past director of Insight’s Youth Department."[1]

"EduCare Foundation Board President; EduCare Foundation co-founder; recipient of the 2012 David Chow Foundation Humanitarian Award; Ventura County Superintendent of Schools Office, Youth Assets Development Committee, advisory board member; Beyond the Bell's (LAUSD) “Take Action Campaign”, steering committee member; Beyond the Bell’s (LAUSD) EL ACCESS Project, steering committee member."[2]


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  1. Insight Seminars Stu Semigran, organizational web page, accessed July 17, 2013.
  2. EduCare Foundation Board, organizational web page, accessed July 17, 2013.