Sundeep Waslekar

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Sundeep Waslekar "is President of Strategic Foresight Group, a think tank engaged in anticipating and influencing global future. He is also the founder of International Centre for Peace Initiatives, a pioneering conflict resolution institution in South Asia.

"Sundeep Waslekar has been instrumental in conceptualising initiatives for positive change. He has recently launched Sustainable Global Security Initiative to construct common ground between Western and Islamic countries on critical issues, involving former and serving cabinet ministers from around the world. In the late 1990s, he had helped create the first ever all-party mechanism for consensus building in Nepal. In the first half of the 1990s, he had undertaken parallel diplomatic exercises for de-escalation of tension between India and Pakistan, engaging senior decision makers in the two countries as well as the leaders of various movements in Jammu & Kashmir. In the early 1990s he brought together former Heads of Government and other leaders from all continents to develop consensus for the phased elimination of nuclear weapons.

"Sundeep Waslekar is known for developing multi-disciplinary scenarios for countries and regions in Asia, the Middle East and North America under the auspices of the Strategic Foresight Group. He has also earned a reputation for introducing innovative concepts in the policy debate. His new classification of developing economies is increasing being used in economic parlance. The international media ranging from International Herald Tribune to Asahi Shimbun and BBC World Television to Financial Times have acclaimed these concepts and reports. He has authored three books on governance

"Sundeep Waslekar offers his expertise to public institutions and the corporate sector in different parts of the world. He has served the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Stockholm, and is currently on the Board of International Centre for Democratic Transitions, Budapest. He has deposed before the committees and groups of the Indian Parliament, the European Parliament and the UK House of Commons. He has provided expertise to the World Economic Forum, as a panellist at their annual meetings at Davos and regional meetings in Asia. He is a visiting faculty for the higher command courses of the Indian defence forces. He has visited 35 countries to speak at public forums and consult leaders on global issues. He was educated at Oxford University, UK, on a scholarship awarded in a worldwide competition." [1]

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  1. Sundeep Waslekar, International Centre for Democratic Transition, accessed September 13, 2007.
  2. International Task Force on Preventive Diplomacy, East West Institute, accessed February 26, 2008.