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{{#badges: ToxicSludge}}TAGRO is a Tacoma, WA product sold as fertilizer but made from sewage sludge.[1] Hundreds of communities across the U.S. sell toxic sludge products that are typically renamed biosolids and sold or given away as "fertilizer" or "compost" (and often even labeled or marketed as "natural" or "organic"). TAGRO has been sold as a product called TAGRO Mix since 1991. More recently, the city began selling a product called TAGRO Potting Soil.[2]

TAGRO Marketing

TAGRO is marketed by the City of Tacoma as a "premium soil product" that will make your garden grow "faster, greener, better."[3] Referred to as "award-winning" and "environmentally friendly," they cite awards won by vegetables and flowers growin in the Puyallup Fair as well as awards won by the city's sludge program, "including the Environmental Protection Agency’s first place award for the best biosolids program in the country." They add that they only use Class A Biosolids, noting that that is "EPA's highest rating."[4]

Ingredients and Production

TAGRO is made from sewage sludge plus a combination of "sand, sawdust, bark and other ingredients."[5] The city's website explains the wastewater treatment process and the production and treatment of sewage sludge.

Articles and resources

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  1. TAGRO website, Accessed June 16, 2010.
  2. TAGRO website, Accessed November 13, 2010.
  3. TAGRO website, Accessed November 13, 2010.
  4. TAGRO - How It's Made, City of Tacoma website, Accessed November 13, 2010.
  5. TAGRO - How It's Made, City of Tacoma website, Accessed November 13, 2010.

External resources

External articles