Tanya Byron

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Biographical Information

Professor Tanya Byron "has worked extensively in the NHS around issues of drug dependency, HIV/AIDS and sexual health, adult mental health and eating disorders services. Tanya still practices as a Consultant in child and adolescent mental health in a general practice. She has also done high profile TV work for the BBC on child behaviour, science and current affairs.

"Tanya is also involved in shaping government policy. In March 2008, she published the Byron Review: Safer Children in a Digital World (which was also the topic of her speech at the most recent Children and Young People conference). Tanya currently advises the coalition government on the digital agenda and child / family wellbeing and was an advisor to Lord Stephen Carter and the Digital Britain board."[1]

"Tanya is an independent national and international government advisor on children, young people and the digital media - in 2008 she published The Byron Review: Safer Children in a Digital World and it’s follow up review Do We have Safer Children in a Digital World (2010) and sat on Lord Carter’s Digital Britain advisory board (2009). Tanya also advises the current government, in particular the SoS for Education, the Rt. Hon. Michael Gove." [2]


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  1. Relate About, organizational web page, accessed June 26, 2012.
  2. Family and Parenting Institute Ambassadors, organizational web page, accessed October 14, 2012.