Terence Bendixson

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Biographical Information

Terence Bendixson (Great Britain) Living Streets, FEPA

"He is a transport and land use policy analyst, a Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton and Secretary of the Independent Transport Commission (ITC). The ITC is Britain's only transport think tank without any party political leaning. Its two main fields of research are the future of the suburbs and road user charging.

"Bendixson has been an officer of Living Streets (the Pedestrians Association) for over 30 years and is currently its President: he is Secretary of the Federation of European Pedestrian Associations (FEPA) and seeking to re-launch it as an effective European group.

"After reading history at Oxford, Bendixson worked on The Guardian as Planning Correspondent and then moved to The Observer where he was in the Environment Bureau. He wrote Instead of Cars (Penguin 1976) and later worked as a consultant for OECD, the European Commission and others." [1]

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  1. International Federation of Pedestrians Governance, organizational web page, accessed April 15, 2012.