The Australian

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{{#badges:Climate change | stub}} The Australian is a national broadsheet newspaper published by the News Corporation subsidiary, News Limited. It was first published in July 1964 at the instigation of Rupert Murdoch. "The editorial values focus on leading and shaping public opinion on the issues that affect Australia," it states on its website.[1]

The newspaper promotes climate change denial in a way that is " astonishing as to be entertaining",[2][3] leading some to dub it "The Australian's War on Science".[4]

Journalists and Columnists

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Articles and resources


  1. "A word from our Editor-in-Chief", The Australian, accessed March 2008.
  2. Michael Tobis (2011-08-07). Cluelessness. Only In It For The Gold. Retrieved on 2011-08-08. “..."The real problem with the models is they show an exponential rise in the rate of sea-level rise, the so-called hockey stick approach," [Professor emeritus F.] said." ... A newspaper capable of stringing those words together and publishing them is providing no actual service.”
  3. Tim Lambert. The War on Science (60+ posts, largely on The Australian). Deltoid. Retrieved on 2011-08-08.
  4. The Australian's War on Science. ScienceBlogs. Retrieved on 2014-07-17.

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Wikipedia also has an article on The Australian. This article may use content from the Wikipedia article under the terms of the GFDL.