The International Energy Agency Technology Roadmap: Carbon capture and storage

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{{#badges: Climate change|CoalSwarm}}The International Energy Agency Technology Roadmap: Carbon capture and storage is a report released in October 2009.[1]

In the premable, the Nobuo Tanaka, the Executive Director of the IEA describes the report as a "detailed scenario for the technology’s growth from a handful of large-scale projects today to over three thousand projects by 2050. It finds that the next decade is a key “make or break” period for CCS; governments, industry and public stakeholders must act rapidly to demonstrate CCS at scale around the world in a variety of settings."[2]

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  1. [International Energy Agency, Technology Roadmap: Carbon capture and storage, October 2009.
  2. Nobuo Tanaka, Technology Roadmap: Carbon capture and storage, October 2009, page 1.

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