The Theory of Excesses

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{{#badges: Tobaccowiki}} The Roper organization was a marketing research and polling organization retained by the Tobacco Institute for many years. The Roper organization proposed ideas for studies that would help take the focus of smoking as a source of disease. Most of the studies proposed revolved around finding a way to blame the smoker for the disease, not the product.

In this Philip Morris memo, Thomas Stefan Osdene, Philip Morris' Director of Science and Technology, reviews yet another proposal from Roper, the "Theory of Excesses," which assumed that some people by their nature engage in excessive behaviors, and that as a result they did things to extremes and to their own detriment, including cigarette smoking.

Osdene critiques The Theory of Excesses, saying that while "the thesis is probably valid," that such a study should not be done for a number of reasons, primarily revolving around marketing and liability considerations.

One reason Osdene cited was that it would not deter anti-smoking forces. He also thought that a study blaming smokers for their illnesses might "alienate certain segments of the smoking population and in today's climate we need to keep all the dedicated smokers we can." Yet another reason not to do the study was that it could cause trouble for their beer business "which has its own battles to fight." Still another reason dealt with industry liability:

An admission by the industry that excessive cigarette smoking is bad for you is tantamount to an admission of guilt with regard to the lung cancer problem. This could open the door the legal suits in which the industry would have no defense.

The last reason Osdene gave not to do the study was that it would convey to people that they have little control over their lives, and that "A tobacco industry sponsored study which suggests that [the people] are doomed to excessive behavior...does not constitute good faith on the part of the industry towards its customers."

Title: Roper Study Proposal to Tobacco Institute
Author: Thomas Stefan Osdene
Date: 19780216 (February 16, 1978)
Type: Memorandum
Bates No. TIOK0034601/4602
Collection: Tobacco Institute

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