Tim Kelsey

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Biographical Information

"Tim Kelsey is the UK Government's Executive Director of Transparency and Open Data. He leads on the development of national policy to promote open government. His appointment in January 2012 underlines Prime Minister David Cameron’s commitment to making transparency a central priority for the British Government as a driver of accountability, choice, public service effectiveness, social and economic growth.

"Tim is a leading advocate of greater transparency in public services and, in 2000, was co-founder of Dr Foster, a company which pioneered the publication of patient outcomes in health care and became one of the UK’s top 10 fastest growing private businesses. Better data has led many NHS organisations to show demonstrable improvements in clinical performance. In 2007, he launched NHS Choices, the national online health information service (www.nhs.uk) which now reports around 14 million unique users per month.

"In 2010, Tim joined McKinsey and Company to lead on the development of consumer information strategies for governments and public service administrations. Tim was named a ‘Reformer of the year’ by the think tank Reform in 2011. He received the award for 'Outstanding contribution in health care' from Health Investor magazine in 2008 and was awarded the annual award for 'Innovation' by Laing and Buisson in 2007. He is a member of the NHS National Quality Board. Before Dr Foster, Tim was a national newspaper journalist and a television reporter. He worked for the Independent and the Sunday Times, as well as Channel 4 and the BBC. Among others, he has interviewed Col Qaddaffi, Timothy McVeigh and Miles Davis. He is author of: Dervish: the invention of modern Turkey (Hamish Hamilton; Penguin)." [1]

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  1. Nuffield Trust Tim Kelsey, organizational web page, accessed July 3, 2012.