Tina Clarke

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Biographical Information

"Tina Clarke has been an advocate, educator, consultant, and director of nonprofit programs since 1985. She was recently a consultant with Bill McKibben's global 350.org initiative and the Sustainability Institute. She has been providing professional training and support for community leaders and campaigns for over 20 years. In Washington, D.C. she directed national citizen advocacy training programs for faith communities, and directed Greenpeace USA's citizen activist network. She has consulted with over 400 NGOs on organizational development, public outreach, coalition-building, and energy and environmental issues. In Massachusetts she directed a regional nonprofit assistance center, training leaders in strategic planning, fundraising, and organizational development. As a Campaign Director for Clean Water Action, she initiated and helped lead coalitions on environmental justice, toxins and energy. Tina has an M.A. in Public Policy from the University of Chicago, a B.A. in urban studies from Macalester College, and is certified for consensus process facilitation and mediation. She is popular speaker on energy and environmental issues, creative frugality, and social change. She has trained and advised over three dozen Transition Initiatives. Tina lives in a below-zero energy, passive solar-heated, Platiunm LEED, low-toxic "Power House" that she helped design and build. In 2009 the home won the Massachusetts utility company-sponsored competition, the Zero Energy Challenge, and in 2010 won the NESEA award for zero energy buildings. The house is free of all fossil fuels and wood-burning, and generated 2.5 times more energy than needed in 2009."[1]


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  1. Transition US Team, organizational web page, accessed April 12, 2012.