Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno

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Biographical Information

"From my first memory at the age of about one, I Knew by my whole Being Who I was and what I was capable of or not, so I acted with appropriate assertiveness as a Self-referenced person. While I identified with that Authentic Self all my life, due to my conditioning and education I lost track of my Self to play some personally, socially and professionally established roles. That led to my midlife crisis at the age of 38, in 1985. Since then I have been on my self-healing path, have reclaimed my Authentic Self...

"Since 1985 I live and work in Sydney, Australia. Overseas, from 1971 to 1985, I had a career as an architect, town and regional planner. Since 1986, as a natural healer, conflict resolution consultant and action researcher on the use of subtle energy fields in healing I had a private holistic healing practice based in Sydney..."[1]

She has published a Chapter: Ecology of Self-Healing, in Vladimir Dimitrov’s & Tor Neass's book Wholesome Life Ecology, Lulu.com,1995.

"Qualifications" include Bach Flower Remedies, Diploma of Homoeopathy, Dr John Demartini's Breakthrough Experience, Academy of Wealth & Achievement, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. CV


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  1. Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno About, organizational web page, accessed July 14, 2013.
  2. Twelth International Conference on Science and Consciousness Speakers, organizational web page, accessed July 12, 2013.