Tobacco Documents - first and nicknames

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This is one of a number of explanatory documents to help researchers understand the archives of tobacco industry documents held at the San Francisco Library archive.

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The tobacco industry documents are archived at the San Francisco University Library [1] They now hold 14 million documents which are indexed and made available on-line. These are important not just to help identify the tobacco industry scams, distortions, lobbying, and helpers, but also because they offer an insight into the activities of a much wider group of industries with similar poisoning and polluting problems.

It is important to realise that private consulting groups and companies, and the numerous institutes, associations, think-tanks, etc. set up to service the tobacco industry often also provided similar services to other industries with problems. This became a distinct industry sector, usually with global reach, which continues today.

The tobacco documents are often difficult to read, however, until the researcher gets to understand the jargon, and industry-specific terms. These are often personal memos, also, and these forms of correspondence often only use first names, or nicknames. The most interesting of these are the documents of Philip Morris Corporate Affairs, and so we have included the commonly-used abbrevisation for this group on another page.

Personal first and nicknames

This is a 'best-guess list', mainly of Philip Morris employees working for 'Corporate Affairs' and for the Issues Management divisions of the Tobacco Institute and other companies, and supporting services.

ALEX - Alexander Holtzmann, - External legal counsel, then in-house corporate legal counsel to Philip Morris. The key operator of many scientific scams. He was married to Senator Elizabeth Holtzmann.

AMY - Amy J Millman - She worked as a legislative analyst for the OSHA, then for Philip Morris in Washington.She then became the executive director of the National Women's Business Council.

Amy Moritz Ridenour - (Amy Moritz - married David A Ridenour) Originally a political operator; the College Republican National Committee (with Grover Norquist, Ralph Reed and Jack Abramoff). She moved through Republican ranks to became director of the astroturf National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR). She worked extensively for the tobacco industry.

ANDREW - Andrew Whist - (never Andy) was originally strategist with Philip Morris Australia. He then took over PMI's Corporate Affairs division (global coverage) with Bible, Murray and friend Bryan Simpson (INFOTAB).

ANDY - Andrew J Nelmes Gallagher PR; Scientific Liason Mgr.; also on the UK TAC and other committees

AURORA - Aurora Marina Gonzales - (Usually all 3 names) The Latin American/Carribean specialist for PMI's Corporate Affairs division under Steven Parrish, Andrew Whist and Cesar Rodriguez.

BILL - R William Murray - joined Philip Morris Europe and became deputy to Hamish Maxwell. CEO PMI offices in New York, then reached the top echelons of the Philip Morris Group with friend Geoffrey C Bible. Devised the Operation Downunder program.

BOB - Robert D Tollison, - economist/lecturer on many tobacco industry junkets for journalists. He was a Professor at George Mason University (a consultant)

BRENDAN - Brendan J McCormick PM-USA Media Affairs; political lobbyist

BRUCE - Bruce Bartlett - of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institute who wrote op-ed pieces for the tobacco industry.

BRYAN - Bryan Simpson, - originally from the Media Council of Australia (ex maketing Herald & Weekly Times, Melbourne). Then head of the Tobacco Institute of Australia. He became the Secretary General of the INFOTAB operation in Brussels and London (the international version of the Tobacco Institute) Said to be bephew by marriage to Rupert Murdoch, and certainly knew him socially.

BUFFY - Kathleen Linehan - of Philip Morris Corporate Affairs New York. She ran a number of operations and was transfered to Europe.

CAL - Calvin George - Issues manager at the Tobacco Institute c 1990

CARL - Carl C Seltzer - A physical anthropologist who posed as a cardiologist. He was housed at the Nutrition Department, Harvard School of Public Health, and later at Peabody Museum on the Harvard grounds. A favourite consultants who was sent on media tours and promoted around the world as a famous heart specialist.

CARLO - George L Carlo - contract science entrepreneur for faked up research into tobacco, wireless, EMF, Agent Orange, breast implants, chemicals, dioxin, etc. He worked with Thorne Auchter and Jim Tozzi, and had his own companies, institutes and think-tanks.

CARLOS - Carlos Rodrigues - Managing Director of Philip Morris, Spain. [Beware: also Juan Carlos Rodrigues, and other similar names.

CAROL - Carol Hrycaj - Issues Manager at the Tobacco Institute for many decades.

CESAR - Cesar Rodriguez DirectorCorp. Affairs for the Latin American Region of PMI in the New York (Rye Brook) office.

CHARLIE - Charles R Green - RJR's Principle Scientist Winston-Salem; CIAR Chairman

CHIP - Vigo Nielsen - Californian law firm Dobbs & Neisen which worked for the Tobacco Institute.

CHRIS - Christopher J Proctor Lawyer with BAT in the UK, then later with Covington & Burling in US.

CHUCK - Charles Wall - Legal counsel at SH&B then Philip Morris

CLARE - Clare Purcell - Manager Legal Issues, PM Management Corp (PMMC). She dealt with the financial side of payments to consultants and WhiteCoats in Philip Morris New York offices. She wanted to run her own scam operations.

CLIFF - Clifford H Goldsmith ('Cliff') Philip Morris headquarters executive. Vice Chm of PM Inc. Top exec in 1970s.

CLIVE - AD Clive Turner BAT PR; then ran the Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK). Father of HBI's Simon Turner.

CRAIG - Craig L Fuller - Presidential aide; PM Corporate Scientific Affairs; Chairman of National Republican Committee. A political operator from the Reagan-Bush Republican White House (Cabinet Secretary - then Chief of Staff). CEO of Hill & Knowlton PR. He was recruited by Philip Morris to run their political operations (Senior VP Corporate Affairs).

CURT - Curtis Judge Lawyer for RJR; later President/CEO of Lorillard; key disinformation executive

CZARINA - Ellen Merlo - nickname within Philip Morris USA. Merlo was the right-hand woman to Steve Parrish, and specialised in devising and running misinformation projects (such as TASSC) in the USA.

DAN - Daniel A Milway ('Dan')Tobacco Institute Administrator

DAVID - David P Nicoli - PM Legal Counsel and chief lobbyist in Washington (WRO)

DON - Donald K Hoel top tobacco dissembler and lawyer with Shook Hardy & Bacon (Kansas City, then BRIEFLY ILondon from mid-1990s) The worst of the worst.

Donald S Harris PM Director of Media at the New York Corporate Affairs office of PM. Offsider to Andrew Whist. He had been in advertising, and later ran the Asian Tobacco Institute.

DEBBIE - Debra A Shoonmaker - Public Affairs and Isses Management at the Tobacco Institute She was abruptly terminated Dec 1989.

DIETRICH - Dietrich Hoffman - research chemist who worked with Ernst Wynder at the AHF.

Paul G Dietrich - lawyer-lobbyist with many operations (mainly anti-WHO)

EARL - Earl Clements, - A Congressman who lobbied for the tobacco industry for many years both in Congress, and as a lawyer, then joined the Tobacco Institute as its President.

ED - Ed Jacob - A lawyer who looked after the secret Special Accounts #4 and other funding activities through a number of different law firms (partner in some).

ELLEN - Ellen Merlo, - of Philip Morris USA. Merlo was the right-hand woman to Steve Parrish, and specialised in devising and running misinformation projects (such as TASSC) in the USA.

FRED - Fred Panzer - VP of Public Relations at the Tobacco Institute.

GEOFF - Geoff Bible, - Joined Philip Morris Europe, briefly managed PM Australia, then Kraft, then shifted to New York to run the Worldwide Tobacco Group. He was then mentored by Bill Murray and Hamish Maxwell, and reached the top echelon of Philip Morris. He was Whist's immediate boss, and he designed the infamous Boca Raton Action Plan. Best friend of Rupert Murdoch.

Geoff F Todd - UK Tobacco Research Council.

GERARD - Gerard Wirz, - of Philip Morris Corporate Affairs in Brussels. He had the job of infiltrating and influencing the European Parliament, and he helped run the Heidelburg Appeal climate-denial scam.

GIL - Gilbert Esterle - Worked with B&W and the Tobacco Institute's Committee of Counsel.

GREG - Greg Scott - Philip Morris PR and WRO operations in Washington

GUY - Guy L Smith IV - ex aide to Howard Baker, PR at Millers Brewery, then VP of Public Affairs at Philip Morris USA until the mid 1980s. He now runs PR company Smith Worldwide Inc. (government damage control after the Gulf War)

Guy Oldaker of RJ Reynolds and the CIAR. Disinformation executive.

HAMISH - Hamish Maxwell, - CEO of Philip Morris International, later Chairman of PM Inc.He was the son of the WWII English tobacco czar (who controlled rationing). He mentored Bill Murray, Geoff Bible and Andrew Whist.

HELMUT - Helmut Gaisch, - the chief European Whitecoat recruiter AND head of the FTR for Philip Morris. He ran the Science & Technology group in Europe.

Helmut Reif - Deputy at the FTR under Gaisch.

HELENE - Helene Buschi - Senior Secretary, PM EEMA

Helene Bourgois - ran French Tobacco Institute (AFCC)

HORACE - Horace Kornegay, - ex Congressman who ran the Tobacco Institute (President) for many years. He was seen as a great lobbyist in Congress.

HOWARD - Howard Liebengood, - A lawyer who joined PM to run their Washington Government Relations operations, and later joined the Tobacco Institute.

JACK - Jack Quinn, - Democrat aide to Clinton and Gore who worked as a lawyer for Arnold & Porter and helped tobacco set up the TASSC operation.

Jack Lenzi - Andrew Whist's associate at PM Corporate Affairs (junket specialist).
Henry C Roemer ("Jack") - Assistant General Counsel at RJR

JAN - Jan Goodheart - who managed Worldwide Regulatory Affairs, and ran operations in Latin America, Asia and Europe from PM Corporate Affairs.

JAY - Jay Poole - Philip Morris internal lobbyist

JEFF - Geoffrey C Bible - at Philip Morris. [Some PM memos spell his name with a J.]

Jeff Furr - King & Spalding lawyer-lobbyist who was active in many tobacco scams.

JIM - Jim Tozzi - ex Reagan White House aide and lobbyist partner of Thorne Auchter in many policy institutes.

Jim Goold - Whitecoat recruiter for RJReynolds
Jim Bowling - Right-hand man to Joe Cullman at Philip Morris.
James Savarese - who ran the cash-for-comments economists network with Robert Tollison.

JODY - Jody Powell, - lobbyist who had been President Carter's press officer and aide.

JOHN - John Rupp, - the chief lawyer-lobbyist for the tobacco industry. He ran the tobacco account for Covington & Burling, and he was directly involved in the recruitement of scientists etc.

John A Dollisson - Australian disinformation specialist with PMI, operating in Asia and globally. VP.

"JUNKMAN" - Steven Milloy, - of APCO and other lobbyshops. He ran the web-site for Philip Morris, then for RJ Reynolds, then took it over to service a wider coalition of poisoning and polluting companies.

KAY - A Kay Comer - BAT's document 'retention' (eg. destructon) expert

KIT - Kit Stewart Lockhart - British American Tobacco executive (Deputy Chairman)

KURT - Kurt Malmgren - State Affairs division of the Tobacco Institute.

LINDA - Linda C Koo - Hong Kong Whitecoat for the tobacco industry. She was later the partner of Ragnar Rylander and became influential in China.

MAC - Mac Carey - of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institute which lobbied for the tobacco industry with right-wing Congressmen

MANNY - Manuel C Bourlas - PMI R&D executive looking after Europe, who became involved in disinformation activities. Worldwide Regulator Affairs; attacking WHO.

MARC - Marc Firestone - who worked at Philip Morris with Nicoli, Parrish and Merlo in the 1990s

MARGERY - Margery Kraus (Margery Rosen - husband Stephen Kraus) who was the nominal head of Philip Morris's private PR company, APCO when it expanded to APCO Worldwide. This companu was controlled by PM via Arnold & Porters, lawyers. Later Public Affairs Council chairwoman.

MARTHA - Martha Rinker - Issues Manager at the Tobacco Institute

MARTY - Marty Gleason - Issues Manager at the Tobacco Institute

MARVIN - Marvin Kausterman, - a lobbyist with statistical training who worked at the Tobacco Institute (and also ran his own consultancy)

MATT - Matthew N Winokur - , at Philip Morris Worldwide Regulatory Affairs, and Corporate Affairs. Ran operations in Asia and Europe. Virtually took over the role of Andrew Whist as chief dissembler.

MAX - Max Hausermann - initially at Philip Morris in Europe, He ran the FTR operations in Switzerland in the 1970s, then transfered to the USA in 1979 to head a section of R&D in Richmond.

'Max' Weetman - [His real christian name was 'Donald.'] ... a UK university professor who edited many of their so-called scientific journals and promoted tobacco interests. He was said by them to be "the most important WhiteCoat in Europe."

MAYADA - Mayada A Logue - Senior Analyst, Regulatory/Scientific Affairs at Philip Morris in Richmond. She was kept out of the New York office by Ellen Merlo, but ran some misinformation operations out of North Carolina. She was mainly concerned with ASHRAE (air conditioning standards).

MOPSY - Mary Pottorff, - of Philip Morris Corporate Affairs. Her initials were MOP. She was also called Popsy. She ran many European operations.

MURRAY - Murray Bring, - lawyer of A&P, who joined Philip Morris at Board level. - - Another possibility is that this is Bill Murray the CEO of PM Inc.

MYRON - Myron Weinberg, - who ran the Weinberg Group and WashTech, a professional recruiting company - working for tobacco and pharmaceutical companies. They also ran a database operation for many years, until it was passed over to the CEHHT and IAPAG whitecoats.

NEAL - Neal Cohen - of APCO and ATRA who ran tort-reform operations

NICK - Nicholas B Cannar The top executive and Legal lobbyist for British American Tobacco (and B&W). Document destruction specialist

PAT - Patrick Sheehy - Chairman and CEO of British-American Tobacco

PAUL - Paul Dietrich, - the political lobbyist from the Saturday Review, IIHD, Libertad, AECA, and other tobacco scams. He ran the scams against the WHO. Training for BAT

PETER - Peter N Lee. - Consulting statistician for the UK tobacco companies associated with TAC

PETE - CC Little - of the CTR. 'Pete' was a nickname used by his friends

POPSY - Mary Pottorff, - of Philip Morris Corporate Affairs. A play on words; she was also called 'Mopsy'. She ran many European operations.

RAGNAR - Ragnar Rylander - of Sweden and Switzerland. He also ran seminars for the tobacco industry all over the world and worked with Linda Koo in Hong Kong and China. INBIFO consultant also, paid via FTR.

RUPERT - Rupert Murdoch - Head of News Ltd. close friend of Hamish Maxwell, Bill Murray and Geoff Bible, and a key member on the PM Board. Closely involved with the industry's Freedom-to-Advertise campaign. - - This could also refer to Anton Rupert who owned a large part of Rothmans and Rembrandt Cigarettes (also the founder of the WWF).

RUSTY - Karl Cheuvront - PM Media Affairs planning

SAM - Samuel B Witt III - Senior Legal counsel and VP RJ Reynolds

 : Samuel Chilcote who ran the Tobacco Institute

SHARON - Sharon Boyse (later Blackie) - PR and disinformation specialist for both BAT in England, and B&W in the USA.

SIGGY - Carl-Gustav Petersson - Ran a number of air-quality testing operations, some in association with HBI (Nisses)

SOL - Salvadore R DiNardi - ran private research firm PHRA Ltd; worked extensively with IAPAG; always turned out results the industry liked.

SONIA - Sonia Fois - Arnold & Porter lawyer on PM account

STEVE - Stephen Parrish - of Shook Hardy & Bacon -- then later, General Council of PM, and the head of counter-measures at PM USA

 : Steve Milloy - consultant lobbyist on the promotion of junk-science with TASSC

STIG' - Stig Carlton - of Philip Morris Scandinavia and Europe. He was one of the principle recruiters of scientists. He came from Buson-Marsteller.

STU - Stuart Spencer - Reagan aide, lobbyists, worked for both tobacco and Republican party

SUNIANA - Suniana Virenda - Senior Analyst; PMI Corporate Affairs project controller (Issues disinformation)

SUSAN - Susan Stuntz - VP in charge of Issues at the Tobacco Institute

TED - Edward Sanders - of Philip Morris USA and Worldwide Scientific Affairs in Europe.

 : Theodor Sterling - A computer professor at Simon Frazer University in Canada who ran a long-term scientific consultant business (with his two sons) for the industry. He virtually invented the idea of Sick Building Syndrome.
 : Edwad Lattanzio, - who worked under Steve Parrish and Tony Andrade at Philip Morris.
 : Ted Halaby - Colorado lobbyist and State Republican Party Chairman

THORNE - Thorne Auchter - A partner of Jim Tozzi and also George Carlo in numerous policy institutes, think-tanks and astroturfs. He was ex-Director of the OSHA.

TIM - Timothy Finnegan - of Jacob Medinger & Finnegan NY lawyers who looked after tobacco industry's secret accounts and payments to scientists.

TOMMIE - Tom Griscom - ex journalist head of RJR's Exernal Affairs (ie PR) division - Tommie Thompson - ex Governor of Wisconsin, who took many Philip Morris junkets, and ended up as Bush II's health czar.

TOM - Thomas Osdene - Head of Science & Technology of PM USA, and founder of CIAR.

 : Tom Borelli - One of the top US disinformation specialists with Philip Morris. Now a partner with Steve Milloy in some capital fund management scheme.
Tom Ogburn - of RJ Reynolds

TONY - Tony Andrade - lawyer who ran a team at Philip Morris under Steve Parrish

Tony Garrett - Chairman and CEO of Imperial Tobacco
Anthony Garrett - Chairman of Imperial Tobacco in 1970s

<h> TORS - Torbjorn Malmfors - (actually Sven Eric Torbjorn) Swedish lobbyist and toxicologist who ran EGIL and was also with IAPAG and ARIA

ULRICH - Ulrich Hackenberg - leading scientist at the INBIFO laboratory in Cologne (owned by Philip Morris)

VIC or VICTOR - Victor Han, - who worked at Philip Morris with Parrish and Merlo in the 1990s.

 : - Victor E Schwartz - Cromwell & Morling lawyer who ran the Product Liability Coalition (Tort reform) and the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) for tobacco.

WAKE - Helmut Wakeham - PM Research Center in Richmond. Involve in refining research reports and planting material on various scientific journals.

WALT - Walter Gannon - Science (R&D) executive at Philip Morris

Walt Klein - Lobbyist at Walter Klein & Associates (extensive work for the tobacco industry).

ZIGGY - Carl-Gustav Petersson - Ran a number of air-quality testing operations, some in association with HBI (Nisses)