Tobacco industry activity in Nevada

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Nevada and Youth

This 1993 Philip Morris (PM) internal email by Joshua Slavitt (PM issues manager) shows how the industry used "responsible youth marketing activities" to convince Nevada's governor to appoint tobacco lobbyists to serve on the state's Tobacco Task Force, the group charged with reducing youth smoking in the state. Slavitt writes, "Anti groups are outraged...Examples like this make it imperative that we move forward in finalizing our plans to roll out the enhanced ITL (It's the Law) campaign as well as to respond to the upcoming Surgeon General's report which will focus on tobacco industry marketing activities and youth."

Josh Slavitt tracked "the antis" (public health groups and authorities) for PM, and was the architect of the "Anti-Tobacco Industry Plan," (c. 1996) a comprehensive plan to divide the tobacco control movement, and de-fund tobacco control groups nationwide, in part by directing funding to more benign groups and programs that PM approved of. A PM slide show summarizing this plan can be seen at [this link].[1]

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  1. Joshua Slavitt, Philip Morris Nevada and Youth 2 page article/telex. December 7, 1993. Bates No. 2023588666/8667

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