Tom Wathen

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Biographical Information

Tom Wathen joined Pew Environment Group "in June 2008 as a deputy director for environmental policy, managing programs in North American ocean conservation, wilderness protection and marine science.

"Wathen has had a long career in public interest advocacy and consumer and environmental organizations, with extensive experience in programs and operations. Most recently, he served as the executive vice president and general counsel at the National Environmental Trust (NET), where he was chief operating officer.

"Before NET, Wathen served as acting president of Oceana and was a program officer at Pew from 1992 to 1997, working on forest protection, marine conservation and trade policy. Previously, Wathen held positions with several nongovernmental organizations and was a consultant to the Rockefeller Family Fund and the Environmental Grantmakers Association. He was also executive director of three statewide public interest research groups in New York, Colorado and Indiana in the 1970s and 1980s." [1]


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  1. Pew Environment Group Tom Wathen, organizational web page, accessed February 22, 2013.
  2. Consumers Union Board, organizational web page, accessed February 22, 2013.