Tori Hudson

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Biographical Information

"Dr. Tori Hudson, Naturopathic Physician, graduated from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1984 where she has since served in many capacities: Professor, Medical Director, Associate Academic Dean, and Interim Academic Dean. In 1990, she was awarded the American Association of Naturopathic Physician’s President’s Award for her research in the field of women’s health care and 1999, Naturopathic Physician of the Year.

"Dr. Hudson is a national lecturer, contributor to many magazines, books, author, educator and researcher. She has 28 years of experience and expertise in women’s health utilizing nutrition, nutraceutics, herbs, natural hormones and other therapies to treat all gynecological and primary care conditions. Dr. Hudson is the Program Director for the Institute of Women's Health and Integrative Medicine and is the Director of research, development and education for Vitanica, an herbal/nutritional supplement company for women’s health care products."[1]


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  1. Tori Hudson About, organizational web page, accessed March 27, 2013.
  2. Medical Team, Natural Health International, accessed June 19, 2015.