Troitskaya GRES power station

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{{#badges:CoalSwarm|Navbar-Russiacoal}}Troitskaya GRES power station is a 2,300-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant in Chelyabinsk province, Russia.


The undated satellite photo below shows the plant, which is near Troitsk city, Troitsky district, Chelyabinsk province. The plant is located less than a kilometer from the Kazakh border. The new Unit 10 can be seen on the right.

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Background on Plant

The nine original units of Troitskaya GRES coal-fired power plant, totaling 2,425 MW, were built in three stages between 1960 and 1976. The plant is currently owned and operated by Wholesale Generating Company No. 2 (OGK-2), which is controlled by Gazprom.[1][2]

  • Stage 1: Units 1-3: 3 x 85 MW (1960)
  • Stage 2: Units 4-7: 4 x 300 MW (1965-67)
  • Stage 3: Units 8-9: 2 x 485 MW (1974-76)

In 2008, OGK-2 began a modernization overhaul of the Troitskaya plant. Units 4, 5, 7, and 8 were modernized and equipped with modern pollution controls in 2008-2013. Unit 6 was dismantled.[3][4] Unit 9 was shut down in early 2013, and part of the plant's workforce was laid off; with this, the plant's nameplate capacity was technically reduced to 1,574 MW.[5]

The plant has historically been relatively efficient, and thus its power is in very high demand; however, in 2011, the plant experienced substantial production problems, falling to a capacity-utilization rate of only 24% in that year.[6]

Description of Expansion

A key aspect of OGK-2's modernization of the plant was the plan to build two new 660-MW coal-fired units, Units 10 and 11, at the site. The initial plan was to bring Unit 10 online in 2011, and Unit 11 in 2012.[6][7]

In March 2009, with construction on the project not yet underway, OGK-2 delayed the building of Unit 11 indefinitely, as part of an overall reduction in the company's future development plans. The completion date for Unit 10 was pushed back to 2013.[8]

OGK-2 signed a construction contract with CJSC KVARZ in July 2010. The construction contract was issued in December 2010.[9] Work on the 240-meter stack began in December 2011.[10] Construction was originally slated to be completed in November 2014.[6] As of November 2014, completion had been pushed back to 2015.[11]

Unit 10 was successfully tested in December 2015.[12] The unit was completed in June 2016.[13]

Planned retirement

In October 2018 the Deputy Governor of Sergey Shal announced that the plant would be decommissioned and replaced by a new gas-fired plant that would be built in the village of Energetikov by 2020.[14]

Details for Existing Units 1-9

  • Sponsor: Wholesale Generating Company No. 2 (OGK-2)
  • Parent company: Gazprom
  • Location: Troitsk city, Troitsky district, Chelyabinsk province, Russia
  • Coordinates: 54.03663, 61.64796 (exact)
  • Status: Operating (Units 1-5, 7-8); Retired (Units 6 & 9)
  • Gross capacity: 1,640 MW (Units 1-3: 85 MW; Units 4-5 & 7: 300 MW; Unit 8: 485 MW)
  • Type: Subcritical (Units 1-3); Supercritical (Units 4-9)
  • In service: 1960 (Units 1-3); 1965-67 (Units 4-7); 1974-76 (Units 8-9)
  • Coal type:
  • Coal source:
  • Source of financing:

Project Details for Units 10 & 11

  • Sponsor: Gazprom
  • Status: Operating (Unit 10); Cancelled (Unit 11)
  • Gross Capacity: 660 MW (Unit 10); 660 MW (Unit 11)
  • Type: Supercritical
  • In service: June 2016 (Unit 10)
  • Coal Type: Sub-bituminous
  • Coal Source: Bogatyr strip mines, Ekibaztuzky
  • Source of financing:

Articles and resources


  1. Троицкая ГРЭС, OGK-2 website, accessed Feb. 2014.
  2. Троицкая ГРЭС, Wikipedia (Russian), accessed June 2018.
  3. Троицкая ГРЭС за год вдвое снизила выбросы золы,, 28 Dec. 2012.
  4. «Силовые машины» досрочно изготовили турбогенератор на 525 МВт для Троицкой ГРЭС «ОГК-2», Big Power Electric news, 24 Sept. 2012.
  5. На Троицкой ГРЭС (ОГК-2) могут сократить 159 человек из-за вывода из эксплуатации 9−го энергоблока на 485 МВт, Big Power Electric News, Jan. 16, 2013.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 OGK-2 2012 Annual Report, pp. 14, 55, 103-4.
  7. Второе рождение Троицкой ГРЭС, OGK-2 press release, Nov. 2007.
  8. ОГК-2 переставляет блоки, Kommersant, Mar. 3, 2009.
  9. OGK-2 2011 Annual Report, pp. 51-52.
  10. На Троицкой ГРЭС забетонирован фундамент дымовой трубы нового энергоблока, Uralpress, Jan. 19, 2012.
  11. На Троицкой ГРЭС работает комиссия по оценке готовности к ОЗП, OGK-2 press release, 11 Nov. 2014.
  12. На строящемся энергоблоке Троицкой ГРЭС произведен первый пуск турбоагрегата, OGK-2 press release, 30 Dec. 2015.
  13. На Троицкой ГРЭС показали точки высокого напряжения, Kommersant, 11 July 2016.
  14. В регионе планируют построить новый теплоисточник посредством концессии, Pravda, Oct. 19, 2018

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