UCB is a global biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Brussels. In 2006 it had global revenues of 2.5 billion euro, employed approximately 8,400 people and operated in 40 countries. [1]
On its website it states that its primary focus is on products in "the fields of central nervous system disorders, allergy/respiratory diseases, immune and inflammatory disorders and oncology." [2]
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Funding 'Patient Groups'
In 2006, ECB contributed CHF 30,000 to the European Patients' Forum, a group overwhelmingly funded by the drug industry. [3] One of its priority activities has been to support proposals to overturn the European Union ban on direct-to-consumer advertising. (See Direct-to-consumer advertising: The Campaign To Overturn Europe's Ban for the details of the history of the debate in Europe).
Other SourceWatch Resources
- Drug industry
- Direct-to-consumer advertising
- Direct-to-consumer advertising: The Campaign To Overturn Europe's Ban
Contact Details
Alle de la Recherche, 60
1070 Brussels
Tel: +32/2/559.99.99
Fax: +32/2/559.99.00
Website: http://www.ucb-group.com/