Umur Eminkahyagil

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Biographical Information

"Mr Eminkahyagil received his BSc in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, with High Honors in 1991. He spent the first 11 years of his career holding various Reservoir Engineering positions with Shell, mainly in Turkey and Thailand. He joined the Expro Group in 2002 and held progressively more challenging roles within the Group, spanning Malaysia, South East Asia, and finally Angola in West Africa, where he worked as General Manager. In 2007, he became Vice President for MB Petroleum Services, responsible for international business, a position he held for a number of years before joining Gulf Keystone in March 2012. He initially joined the Company as Development and Production Manager and has subsequently been appointed, as of 1 September 2012, the Company's Country Manager for Kurdistan, Iraq." [1]


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  1. Gulf Keystone Petroleum Board, organizational web page, accessed September 25, 2012.