United For Jobs

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United for Jobs appears to be a fake grassroots organization or front group created by DCI Group. It counts as founding members and "coalition" partners several industry-funded groups that regularly support industry's interests, offering a veneer of citizen approval.

In its 2005 annual report, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce states that "members of United for Jobs work together to educate citizens about the costs and benefits of environmental proposals and their impact on the economy at the local, state, and national levels. The U.S. Chamber works with coalition members to develop policies used for legislative and regulatory advocacy."[1]


United for Jobs promotes an anti-environmental agenda, focusing its campaigns on mercury emissions, Kyoto treaty to address climate change, and Corporate Average Fuel Economy or CAFE standards.

The groups website states: "At no time in the last 150 years - through the great portion of America's industrial age - has our air and water been cleaner. The wealth created by a free economy is producing health for its people by making pollution control measures more affordable.

"But environmental policies don't occur in a vacuum, and they are not without cost. Good policies will produce benefits commensurate or exceeding those costs. Bad policies not only can produce few benefits, but by taxing the economy may actually lead to a worsening natural environment.

"This web site provides a one stop center for studies and analysis of environmental prescriptions affecting the economy and America's well-being. By focusing on jobs, the coalition hopes to encourage citizens to decide for themselves whether the costs of proposed environmental regulations are worth their cost."

Steering committee

"Coalition" partners

Contact informaiton

1920 L Street, NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036
Email: info AT united4jobs.org
Web: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.united4jobs.org/


Related SourceWatch articles


  1. U.S. Chamber of Commerce, "Environment, Technology & Regulatory Affairs: Annual Report 2005", U.S. Chamber of Commerce, page 13.
  2. About page, United For Jobs, accessed February 2008.

External resources