Universal Leaf Tobacco

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{{#badges: Tobaccowiki}} The Universal Leaf Tobacco Company was founded in 1918 and is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. It is the largest independent leaf tobacco merchant in the world. As a leaf merchant, Universal is an intermediary between the farmers and the final product manufacturer. It deals in tobacco grown in all parts of the world and employs more than 26,000 people full time and seasonally.[1]

According to its Web site, "Universal conducts business in more than 35 countries and employs more than 25,000 permanent and seasonal workers. Universal's business includes selecting, buying, shipping, processing, packing, storing, and financing of leaf tobacco in tobacco growing countries for sale to, or for the account of, manufacturers of tobacco products throughout the world. Universal does not manufacture cigarettes or other consumer products. The Company's revenues are derived from sales of processed tobacco and from fees and commissions for specific services." [1]

Contact Details

Universal Leaf Tobacco Company
P.O. Box 25099
Richmond, VA, United States
Phone (804)359-9311
Fax (804)254-3584
Web site: http://www.universalcorp.com/

Other SourceWatch Resources


  1. "Universal Corporation", accessed September 2007.

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