Unnamed Tri-State Plant

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{{#Badges: CoalSwarm}} According to Western Resource Advocates, Tri-State Generation and Transmission investigated the possibility of building a coal plant in eastern Colorado. No permit applications was filed.[1]

Tri-State to reconsider future coal plant projects

Because of the current economic climate and ongoing uncertainty in federal and state regulations, Tri-State announced in April 2009 that it was revisiting its long-term resource plan, including options for new coal-fired power plants. Ken Anderson, the company's executive vice president and general manager, said in statement, "Significant changes in the regulatory climate and economy impact development projects and have disproportionately affected the near-term outlook for coal-based resources. Part of our reevaluation process will review how coal-based resources fit into our long-term resource plans." Tri-State will consider energy efficiency programs, renewable energy options, natural gas, and "clean coal" and nuclear technologies as part of its long-term planning process.[2]

Project Details

Sponsor: Tri-State Generation and Transmission
Location: Eastern Colorado
Size: TBD
Type: Pulverized coal
Projected in service: Unknown
Status: On hold

Citizen Groups



  1. "Colorado Coal Plant Proposals", Western Resource Advocates, undated, accessed January 2008.
  2. "Tri-State to review coal-fired power plant prospects," Power Engineering, April 13, 2009.

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