Usha Devi Rathore

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Biographical Information

"As a practitioner of yoga since the age of 13, Usha trained as a yoga teacher at the Bihar School of Yoga. She continued practicing Hatha Yoga and tried various meditation techniques, such as Vipassanna and TM Transcendental meditation, but settled for all the integrated practices of the Bihar School of Yoga. Usha first started teaching children at her son’s school and then the mothers. In the early days, Usha ran a weekly class at the Bhavan, and she taught at the Hale Clinic for 10 years...

"Usha has had her clients for many years, including Koo Stark and Bianca Jagger. Other celebrities who have been taught by Usha include Richard Gere and Stella McCartney. Usha has filmed a video on yoga for pregnancy with one of her students, the TV presenter, Clare Beckwith.

"As a member of the International Yoga Fellowship founded by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Usha promotes yoga worldwide as she believes it to be essential in the fast-paced modern age. "[1]


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  1. Asha Centre Usha Devi Rathore, organizational web page, accessed April 5, 2012.