Vani Treves

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Biographical Information

"Vanni Treves was for many years Senior Partner of Macfarlanes, a leading firm of City Solicitors, but also has a broad experience of industry (as past Chairman of four public companies); of education (as Chairman of London Business School and of the National College for School Leadership); of philanthropy (as Chairman of the Justice for Children and Stop Organised Abuse Appeals of the NSPCC, of which he is a Fellow, and as the Senior Trustee of a major grant making charity); and of other fields of activity (as Chairman of Channel Four Television and of the Equitable Life Assurance Society). Mr Treves was awarded the CBE in 2012. Mr Treves is chair of the Risk Committee." [1]


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  1. Homerton University Hospital Foundation Trust Board, organizational web page, accessed December 15, 2013.