"is an independent website produced by individuals who are dedicated to disseminating news and analysis about the current political situation in Venezuela.
"The site's aim is to provide on-going news about developments in Venezuela, as well as to contextualize this news with in-depth analysis and background information. The site is targeted towards academics, journalists, intellectuals, policy makers from different countries, and the general public.
"Web server services and bandwith is donated by, a larger site maintained by grassroots groups in Venezuela. is a project of Venezuela Analysis, Inc., which is registered as a non-profit organization in New York State and of the Fundación para la Justicia Económica Global, which is a foundation that is registered in Caracas, Venezuela.
"Since our resources are limited, we need and welcome any and all donations so that we can continue to provide high quality news and analysis about Venezuela.
"The website started out in Caracas, Venezuela, in mid-2003 but as of early 2008 its contributors are all working on the site from their homes in various places in Venezuela, the U.S., and elsewhere in the world." [1]
Accessed April 2010: [2]
- Federico Fuentes
- Michael Fox
- Eva Golinger
- Kiraz Janicke
- Jan Kühn
- Tamara Pearson
- James Suggett
- Gregory Wilpert