Victor Zammit

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Biographical Information

"Victor James Zammit, LL.B, Ph.D., is a retired attorney of the Supreme Court of the New South Wales and the High Court of Australia. He has served as an attorney in the Local, District, and Supreme Courts in Sydney, has worked as a company-law consultant ,and lectured in Corporations Law. Also, he has worked part-time for police prosecution. In 1979, Zammit was a member of the United Nations Association of New South Wales - Human Rights Committee...

"Zammit wrote A Lawyer Presents the Case For The Afterlife (ISBN: 0-9580115-0-8), which has been translated into Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and now is in the process of being translated into German and French...

"For the last 10 years, Zammit has sent out a weekly Friday Afterlife Report to subscribers in more than seventy countries. Since 2002, Victor has had a regular half-page column in the newspaper Psychic World and is its Australian representative. (Psychic World Publishing Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 14, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 OUF. England.) An article by journalist Francis Wilkins about Zammit's empirical afterlife research appeared in the ultra-conservative lawyers' journal Lawyers' Weekly on 27 April 2001.

"Since 2001, Victor Zammit has sponsored a one-million-dollar challenge to anyone in the world who can rebut the existing evidence for the afterlife. Up 'til now, no scientist, no physicist, no biologist, no psychologist, no empiricist, no skeptical debunker - no one has been able to show where, when, how, or why the evidence is invalid."[1]


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  1. Association for Evaluation and Communication of Evidence for Survival Victor Zammit, organizational web page, accessed May 8, 2012.