Victoria Myer

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Biographical Information

"Victoria Myer is the former owner and current Business Manager and Communications Coordinator for Shalom Mountain, a non-profit retreat center that offers transformational retreats and trainings in Shalom Process, personal and spiritual growth, along with a Wisdom School of which Marc Gafni is the lead teacher. Victoria has long been a practitioner of earth-based ritual in community and has been informed by studies in yoga, Wicca, shamanism, creative process, Tantra and most recently the teachings of Marc Gafni. Her role as a mother and a lover has been a significant gift that she offers into the world with great integrity and an open heart. Victoria’s dream for Center for World Spirituality is to manifest ever evolving levels of consciousness in an ever expanding and connected global spiritual network." [1]


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  1. Center for World Spirituality Board, organizational web page, accessed April 22, 2013.