Vijay Sodiwala

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Biographical Information

"Vijay Sodiwala has been an Ofsted Board member since June 2008. Vijay has a background in the technology, media and telecoms sector and is currently an advisor to TheBlogTV, a European social media company and Bilbary, a privately backed e-publishing company. Current non-executive Board experience includes One Housing Group operating in the housing sector and Open Rights Group which campaigns on digital rights issues." [1]

"Vijay has a background in technology, media, telecommunications (TMT) and customer relationship management. He has worked as an executive for BSkyB, News International/News Corporation, Chime Communications, Tiscali and Video Networks." [2]


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  1. Ofsted Board, organizational web page, accessed July 8, 2012.
  2. One Housing Group Board, organizational web page, accessed May 12, 2013.