Vince Siciliano

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Biographical Information

"Vince Siciliano is president and CEO of New Resource Bank, a mission-oriented bank in San Francisco that works with businesses, nonprofits, and individuals seeking environmental and social as well as financial returns. The bank is dedicated to advancing sustainability with everything it does—lending, operations, and putting deposits to work for good. Vince has previously been the president or CEO of a number of San Diego financial institutions. He started his banking career in Bank of America’s International Division.

"Vince serves on the advisory board of the American Sustainable Business Council based in Washington DC. He is also chairman of the board for the Ken Blanchard Center for Faith Walk Leadership. Vince and the bank are founding members of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values. He is a graduate of Stanford University and earned a master’s degree in environmental planning from the University of California at Berkeley."[1]


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  1. American Sustainable Business Council Advisory Board, organizational web page, accessed December 27, 2013.