Vincent Lawton

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Biographical Information

"Vincent LawtonProfessor Vincent Lawton CBE was Managing Director and Vice President Europe of Merck Sharp & Dohme UK (MSD) Ltd with whom he worked for 26 years in senior positions across Europe and North America. Professor Lawton joined MSD in 1980 as Human Resources Director in Europe. In the United States he worked in the R&D and commercial areas. He worked in the Marketing Department in MSD Canada, launching a new treatment for urinary tract infection (UTI), achieving market leadership.

"In 1987, he was the Pharmaceutical Division Director for MSD in Spain, where he successfully launched a number of major new products and helped to drive the company’s considerable success in the Spanish market. Professor Lawton’s last position was Managing Director of MSD UK and Vice President in Europe, where he made many personal achievements, including significant business growth between 1991 and 2006.

"He served on the Board of Management of the ABPI for 15 years. He was a founder member of Pharmaceutical Industry Competitiveness Task Force (PICTF), co Chairing the Clinical Research in the NHS Task force with Sir John Pattison and latterly with Professor Sally Davies. He was also a founder member of Ministerial Industry Strategy Group (MISG). During 2004 and 2006 he was President of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) and was appointed CBE in the 2006 New Years Honours list for services to the pharmaceutical industry."[1]


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  1. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Vincent Lawton, organizational web page, accessed February 24, 2013.