Virginia and renewable energy

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{{#badges: CoalSwarm}} Virgina has a voluntary renewable portfolio standard of 12% by 2022.[1]

Proposed wind turbine ban

In January 2012, the Heartland Institute reported that Floyd County, Virginia, is considering banning structures taller than 40 feet on ridges within the county, "in response to local concerns about potential siting of wind farms," including bird deaths, with the Koch-funded National Center for Policy Analysis calling wind turbines "the Cuisinarts of the air.”[2]

Floyd County is unique in Virginia as one of the only localities that does not have established rules for zoning any kind of development, commercial or residential. Typically those decisions are left up to landowners to make for themselves. Two companies have discussed developing wind farms in the county. Similar ordinances have been adopted in Patrick and Tazewell counties.[3]



  1. "Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS)" M.J. Beck RPS Edge, accessed June 2010.
  2. Kenneth Artz, "Wind Turbine Ban Proposed in Virginia," Heartlander, Jan. 2, 2012.
  3. "Floyd County ordinance would ban wind turbines," AP, Dec. 15, 2011.

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