Vistara A. Calamita

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Biographical Information

"Seeker, musician, green buildings designer. Geobiology, Feng-Shui and Vastu consultant, Master Reiki, Chi Neng Qi Gong instructor. Accredited in the Italian Academy of Feng Shui Architecture / Institue of Research for Human and Environmental Sustainability.

"In 1999 she recognizes Osho as a Master of life and in the following years she could experiment and practice in deep different meditation, growth and awareness techniques, like Rebirthing, Voicing, Primal, Bioenergetic, Healing Techniques, with therapists like Sudha, Pratibha, Niranjan Sapkal, Shunyo, Norma Van Osten. Guided by a nomadic spirit and curiosity around different places on this planet, breathing, remembering and learning from different people and cultures she advances in her studies and touches the healing power of our own voice, the connection with the existence, the Divine.

"In 2006 she meet Sudhiro Miyaca Olowan, brother and teacher, coming in touch with the Lakota people and their ceremonies. That's the starting point of different musical projects and the Sacred Circle project[1]


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  1. Spirit Vine Ayahuasca Retreats Facilitator, organizational web page, accessed October 16, 2013.