Vivek Maru

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Biographical Information

"Prior to launching Namati, Vivek served as senior counsel in the Justice Reform Group of the World Bank. His work focused on justice reform and governance, primarily in West Africa and South Asia. Vivek also co-founded and co-directed for four years Timap for Justice, a grassroots justice program in Sierra Leone. Vivek has previously worked at Human Rights Watch and clerked for Hon. Marsha Berzon on the Ninth Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals. His recent publications include Between Law and Society: Paralegals and the Provision of Justice Services in Sierra Leone and Worldwide in the Yale Journal of International Law and Allies Unknown: Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability in Harvard Journal of Health and Human Rights. "[1]


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  1. Namati People, organizational web page, accessed October 1, 2012.