W. Allan Crawford

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This stub is a work-in-progress by the ScienceCorruption.com journalists's group. We are indexing the millions of documents stored at the San Francisco Uni's Legacy Tobacco Archive [1] With some entries you'll need to go to this site and type into the Search panel a (multi-digit) Bates number. You can search on names for other documents also.     Send any corrections or additions to editor@sciencecorruption.com

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An Australian Consultant in Occupational and Environmental Health, Australia (probably an Occupational psychiatrist) who worked for the tobacco industry over many years. He also runs a private company known as Mersey Holdings Pty Ltd.

He was ecumenical: he worked for Philip Morris, British American Tobacco, the Tobacco Institute in the USA, and the Tobacco Institute of Australia.

Documents & Timeline

1988 Mar 30 Dr W Allan Crawford (OBE, MB ChB, PhD, M(FOM), RCP, DPH, DIH, FRACMA, FACOM, FRSH) - [Mersey Holdings Pty Ltd] a Consultant in Occupational and Environmental Health has written from his Home/Clinic in Seaforth, NSW, Australia to 'Bill Kloepfer" at the Tobacco Institute, thanking him for his letter of March 11. Kloefer has given him the address of Phil. Crawford is setting up a visit. Kloepfer needs a new file on Crawford (or his project). [2]

Kloepfer replies pointing out that Charlie and Marvin have now retired [ Crawford must have been dealing with them for years] He also points out they now have incorporated the CIAR to look after scientific matters relating to the ETS controversy. They will be 'taking over consultations'. Guy Oldaker of Reynolds is the acting Director of the CIAR. [3]

1990 June 4 He has billed Sharon Boyse, the Issues Manager at BAT in London for top-quality accommodation (£431.50), taxis (£50) and a consulting fee of (£4500 equal to $A1000. [4] A note on the invoice says:

Sterling cheque will be alright ... he has an UK account (Mersey Holdings)

1990 Sep Crawford has billed lawyer John Rupp at Covington & Burling $2,250 for "responding to the Editor of the Journal of Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine. He charges 3 days consultancy at $750 a day. [5]

1990 Nov 24 He is dealing with Philip Francis, the PR at the Corporate Affairs department of Philip Morris Australia. He has been generating 'comments on the NSW State Pollution Control Commission. (SPCC) report", and he is advising Qantas on airline smoking. [6]

He would like lawyers Covington & Burling to pay his bill of $2,250 at $750 a day (US$) for "finalisation of Aviation, Space and Environmentmental Medicine article. (obviously still not published) [7]

1992 May He is communicated with Reg Hodgson of Philip Morris Australia regarding environmental tobacco smoke.

"Reg" has sent him papers on second-hand smoke (ETS).

As mentioned on the telephone I find it interesting that Professor Vutuc has not changed his views over the period 1984-1991 - What risk from ETS?

He points out that an RR of 1 .03 - 1 .35 compared to 1 for a nonsmoker is virtually meaningless and so small that it is scarcely worthwhile considering, including his observation that a 35% increase from zero is still zero.

"I totally agree with Professor Schmall from Germany that the environmental tobacco smoke issue is purely a societal/political play by the anti-smoking lobby - it should be exposed as such". [8]

(Note: He also suggest Reg should see the Fontham study paper and asks whether Philip Morris;s home office has made any remarks about this study.)
Crawford illustrates the fact that some tobacco lobbyists with a para-medical background were just arrogant and incompetent nincompoops who didn't understand that an increase in relative risk (RR), when extrapolated to tens of millions of non-smokers in Australia, meant that there was millions of extra potential cases of cancer etc. a year.

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