Waki Nongeya Edi

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Biographical Information

"Since the early steps on the path he recognizes the voice of ancient cultures inside. This resonance brings him close to shamanic techniques for lucid dreaming and astral body journeys, to Black Elk and Osho’s vision. Interested into the "zero level" of music — it’s primal, tribal source, the original heartbeat — since 1991 he realizes several albums and soundtracks for theatrical/dance pieces. He facilitates percussion circles in mental and therapeutic institutes, effective for catharsis and a space for listening inside and outside, for interconnection. Blessed by meeting Sudhiro Miyaca Olowan, brother and teacher, who shares with him experiences and rituals and from whom he keeps learning the Lakota teachings received from Wallace Black Elk and John Fire Lame Deer and their ceremonies: Inipi (sweat lodge) and Hanbleceyapi (to cry for a vision).

"Now he's sharing with the Sacred Circles the healing power of drums, chanting, rituals. www.sacredcircle.in"[1]


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  1. Spirit Vine Ayahuasca Retreats Facilitator, organizational web page, accessed October 16, 2013.