Wes Streeting

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Biographical Information

Wes was re-elected to the post of president of the NUS, "after having served as NUS’ vice-president for education. He has a strong interest in education policy, particularly on widening participation, and has held a number of positions within the higher education sector, notably membership of the ‘Burgess Group’ on measuring and recording student achievement. He has also been a strong proponent of HE admissions reform as a member of the UK HE Sector Delivery Partnership Steering Group on admissions. Wes was a non-executive director of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education from 2006 to 2008 and has been a non-executive director of the Higher Education Academy since 2006." [1]


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  1. Progress Wes Streeting, organizational web page, accessed July 1, 2012.