William A. Plapinger

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Biographical Information

"Bill Plapinger has been a partner of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP since 1986. He is a member of the firm’s Managing Partners Committee and was the Managing Partner of Sullivan & Cromwell’s London office from 1995 to 2008 and the Coordinator of the firm’s European offices from 2000 to 2011. He has been resident in London since 1987, having spent his first nine years in Sullivan & Cromwell’s New York office. Mr. Plapinger’s practice is focussed on capital markets, M&A and general corporate (including corporate governance) matters. His work has an emphasis on complex, often precedent setting international and US financial transactions, advising US and non-US industrial and financial companies, governments and investment banks. He has been named repeatedly by numerous publications as, variously, one of the world’s leading IPO, equity and debt capital markets, privatisation and M&A lawyers.

"Mr. Plapinger has devoted much of his time outside Sullivan & Cromwell to education. In addition to serving on the US-UK Fulbright Commission, he is Chair of the Board of Trustees of Vassar College, the senior member of the Board of Trustees of the American School in London and a member of the Conference of Board Chairs of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges and the President’s Commission of Wheaton College (MA). He is also a member of the Atlantic Council. Mr. Plapinger earned his AB from Vassar College, his JD from New York University School of Law, and attended Westfield College, University of London. Mr. Plapinger is married to Cassie Murray, and they have three children."[1]


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  1. US-UK Fulbright Commission Commissioners, organizational web page, accessed November 24, 2013.