William Kininmonth

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William Kinimonth
Quote: "More greenhouse gases will not cause the atmosphere to warm..."

William Kininmonth is a retired Australian meteorologist and climate change skeptic. Kininmonth runs the Australasian Climate Research Institute (trading as Australasian Climate Research) from his home in Kew, Victoria, Australia.[1] The Institute is listed as simply a trading name for "Kininmonth, William Robert". It has no website, phone number or existence separate from Kininmonth.


Kininmonth has a B.Sc. from the University of Western Australia, a M.Sc. from Colorado State University, and a M.Admin. from Monash University. He has no published peer-reviewed research on climate change according to a search of 22,000 academic journals. There is one study published in 1972 by "Kininmon, WR" on the subject of "Rain-grown rice in Northern Australia".[2]


He is listed as an "expert" on Kyoto issues at Envirotruth, was a member of Australia's delegation to U.N. climate treaty negotiations, and until 1998 was head of Australia's Bureau of Meteorology's National Climate Centre for 12 years.[3] Kininmonth is listed as an expert reviewer on the IPCC fourth assessment report , Working Group I [4] He is also listed as 'Science Advisor' to the skeptic SPPI[5]

In a letter to to The Age newspaper, Kininmonth wrote that "Greenhouse gases emit more radiation than they absorb and their direct impact is to cool the atmosphere. More greenhouse gases will not cause the atmosphere to warm..."[6] This claim defies the fundamental laws of physics, critics have pointed out.[7]

In 2010, Kininmonth published a paper in an obscure journal called Il Nuovo Saggiatore that concluded "...model projections of anthropogenic global warming are exaggerated and a doubling of CO² concentration is unlikely to see global temperatures exceed 1ºC."[8]


His 2004 book launch was organised by the Lavoisier Group and was chaired by Hugh Morgan, the President of the Business Council of Australia. John W Zillman, President of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, launched the book,[9] critiquing some aspects of the book. Zillman said: "I believe that Bill goes much too far and, for whatever reason, misinterprets and/or misrepresents some important aspects of the science of climate change that are now pretty well understood."[10]

In a review to be published in the Australian Meteorological Magazine,[11] University of Melbourne associate professor of meteorology Kevin Walsh argued that Kininmonth failed to present the case for natural warming. "Some of his detailed arguments are a little bit curious," Dr Walsh told The Age. "Some of his statements actually contradict well-accepted work."

Contact details

  • Email: w.kininmonth AT bigpond.com>
  • Phone: +61 3 9853 9395
  • Mobile: +61 418 376 236

Articles and Resources


  1. Business details for Company. Australian Government. Retrieved on 2009-07-17.
  2. ExxonSecrets Factsheet: William Kininmonth. Retrieved on 2011-05-20.
  3. [1]
  4. "[2]"
  5. "[3]"
  6. [4]
  7. Ben Cebon. Letters to the Age -- Science fiction. The Age. Retrieved on 2011-05-20. “If "greenhouse gases emit more radiation than they absorb" then we have the perfect alternative to nuclear power, and a perfect solution to the energy crisis. No matter that your claim defies the most fundamental laws of physics...”
  8. William Kininmonth (2010). "Clausius Clapeyron and the Regulation of Global Warming". Il Nuovo Saggiatore 26 (5-6): p. 61. 
  9. Climate Change: A Natural Hazard?: Book Launch Address. Lavoisier Group. Retrieved on 2011-05-20.
  10. The Lavoisier Group. ScienceBlogs. Retrieved on 2011-05-20.
  11. Kevin Walsh (2004). "Review of Climate Change: A Natural Hazard". Australian Meteorological Magazine 53 (4): p. 324. 

Related SourceWatch Articles

External Articles

Articles, letters and Presentations by Kininmonth


General articles