William Skylstad

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Biographical Information

"Bishop William Skylstad is an ordained a priest of the Diocese of Spokane. 
Bishop Skylstad was appointed and installed as Bishop of Yakima in 1977, and was appointed and installed as fifth Bishop of Spokane in 1990. Bishop Skylstad attended Washington State University and Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. His religious career includes: assistant pastor, Pullman, Washington 1960-1961; 
teacher, Mater Cleri Seminary, Colbert, Washington 1960-1968; rector, Mater Cleri Seminary, Colbert, Washington 1968-1974; 
pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Colbert, Washington 1968-1974; pastor, Assumption Parish, Spokane, Washington 1974-1976; chancellor, Diocese of Spokane 1976-1977; bishop, Diocese of Yakima 1977-1990; bishop, Diocese of Spokane 1990-2010. He was ordained into the priesthood in 1960, and as bishop in 1977. He was elected Vice President of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2001, and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2004. In addition to NRPE, he is also a board member of Catholic Relief Services Foundation. Bishop Skylstad retired as Bishop of Spokane in 2010." [1]


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  1. National Religious Partnership for the Environment Board, organizational web page, accessed August 29, 2012.