Wisconsin jobs

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{{#badges:stub}} Wisconsin jobs

Wisconsin lost another 1,700 jobs in December, 2011, marking the sixth consecutive month of job loss. The second half of 2011 in Wisconsin stands in dramatic contrast to consistent job growth at the national level.

The nation added 853,000 jobs over the last six months of 2011, posting steady growth of 0.7 percent of the job base. Over those same six months, Wisconsin lost 35,600 jobs, bringing the job base down by just over 1 percent. No other state lost that many jobs. (Indeed, just 13 states posted net job losses over those six months.)

The losses of the second half of 2011 have effectively wiped out Wisconsin’s job growth of 38,800 in the first six months of 2011. Wisconsin ended 2011 with just 3,200 more jobs than it had in December 2010, and the state faces a substantial jobs deficit of 215,300.[1]

Credit: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel


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  1. Center on Wisconsin Strategy, University of Wisconsin Year in Review -WISCONSIN CLOSES 2011 WITH SIX STRAIGHT MONTHS OF JOB LOSS Wisconsin Job Watch, report, December, 2011
  2. State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Wisconsin December Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.1 Percent, Press release (pdf), January 19, 2012