Yogesh Chauhan

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Biographical Information

"Yogesh Chauhan is the BBC's Chief Adviser on Corporate Responsibility and Environment. He has worked for the corporation since 2001 starting his career in public affairs. Yogesh went on to help set up the BBC’s first ever dedicated corporate responsibility team and has over the years taken on a leadership role in the corporation’s ethical, sustainability and corporate citizenship activities.

"Yogesh is also chairman of the Corporate Responsibility Group (CRG), the UK's practitioner network and emerging professional body for those working in the field of corporate responsibility and sustainability. CRG was founded in 1987 by a group of community affairs professionals and over the years has grown to nearly 100 member companies connecting some 300 individuals, each committed to adopting a social, ethical and environmentally responsible approach to business. Yogesh was educated at the London School of Economics and is also a trustee of the BBC Wildlife Fund." [1]

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  1. Business in the Community Yogesh Chauhan, organizational web page, accessed March 25, 2012.