Young Fabians

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The Young Fabians is the under-31s section of the Fabian Society, a British think tank which is affiliated with the Labour Party. It is the only think tank run by and for young people.

The Young Fabians have a membership of more than 1,000, made up of parliamentary researchers, academics, young professionals and political activists. All of the young MPs selected at the 1997 and 2001 elections were Young Fabians and Young Fabians provided volunteers for both Tony Blair's leadership campaign in 1994 and the new clause IV campaign in 1995.

As well as publishing pamphlets, the Young Fabians produce a quarterly magazine, Anticipations, and organise regular political events, conferences, residential summer schools and social events including the highly popular annual boat party. The Young Fabians seek to encourage debate and political education amongst members and within the wider Labour movement.

The Young Fabians have been described as "New Labour's future intellectual stars" by the Times and as "the Labour MPs of the future" by the Guardian.

National Executive Committee

Contact information

The Young Fabians,
11 Dartmouth Street,
London SW1H 9BN
Telephone: 020 7227 4900
Fax: 020 7976 7153

External links