Çayırhan power station

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{{#badges:CoalSwarm|Navbar-Turkeycoal}}Çayırhan power station is a 620-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant in Ankara province, Turkey.

An additional 800 MW coal plant, known as Çayırhan B, has been proposed and has been permitted by the government.[1]


The undated satellite photo below shows the existing Çayırhan plant, in Çayırhan, Nallıhan.

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Background on Plant

Çayırhan power station is a four-unit subcritical lignite coal-fired power station with a total 620 MW capacity. It was commissioned from 1987 to 2000. In 2001 and 2002 the operation right of the plant and the mining areas was transferred from Elektrik Üretim (EÜAŞ), the state-controlled power agency to Park Termik, an affiliate of the Ciner Group, under a Transfer of Operating Rights (TOR) agreement.[2]

Çayırhan B

In 2016, Çayırhan-B coal power plant with an estimated capacity of 700-800 MW was proposed after feasibility studies by Elektrik Üretim. Çayırhan-B was proposed to use domestic lignite extracted from Çayırhan-2 mine. In 2016, the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) report[3] of the plant was submitted by Elektrik Üretim and received the positive decision.[4] In August 2016, an emergency expropriation[5] was issued to expedite the plan.[4]

In February 2017, the plant and the mine were put up for privatization by Elektrik Üretim and the Kolin-Kalyon-Celikler Partnership won the tender.[6] Further, the government gave the guarantee of purchase of 0,604 US dollar/kWhr for the 15 years to the operating company; this action has been criticised as the given guarantee of purchase was in a foreign currency (US dollars) and also high, almost 160% of 2016 wholesale electricity prices in Turkey.[7] In January 2018, the EIA report was revised[8] and in April 2019 a second emergency expropriation was issued to secure the extraction of required coal to meet the planned 800 MW capacity.[9] It is further known that the planned capacity had been decreased due to concerns about the limited amount of lignite coal in the mine,[10] and was later increased. In December 2018, the operation license was given to Çayırhan Elektrik Üretim Ve Madencilik company, established by Kolin-Kalyon-Celikler Partnership[11]

Environmental Impact

The planned Çayırhan B plant is being criticised due to its proximity to settlements and some natural reserves such as Davutoğlan Wildlife Development Area and Nallıhan Bird Sanctuary[12] which is an important bird breeding ground where at least 191 bird species have been recorded.[9]

The operating Çayırhan A plant has also been criticised due to the lack of modern stack filtration systems, and it is unclear whether the plant installed a modernised dust, desulphurization and denitrification system.[13] [14] In February 2019 the Right to Clean Air Platform-Turkey, a coalition of 17 professional organizations and NGOs, successfully campaigned to stop the Turkish Parliament from delaying proper air pollution filtration system and infrastructure requirements for old privatised coal plants until 2021, including ÇATES.[15] The delay would have allowed ÇATES to continue to operate without a modern dust, desulphurization and denitrification system.[16] [17] In November 2019 the Turkish Parliament approved the bill.[18] However on Dec. 2, 2019 President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan vetoed the bill and said this veto was motivated by "environmental sensitivity".[19]

As a result, Çayırhan A and other privatised coal power plants that have not completed the required infrastructure including filtration system must complete these requirements beginning Jan. 1, 2020 or these plants will face closure and/or fines.[20]

Project Details of Çayırhan B

  • Sponsor: Kolin-Kalyon-Celikler Consortium
  • Parent company: Kolin Group, Kalyon Group, Celikler Partnership
  • Location: Çayırhan, Nallıhan, Ankara province, Turkey
  • Coordinates: 40.097, 31.695 (exact)
  • Status: Permitted[1]
  • Detailed status: prelicensed[21]
  • Gross capacity: 800 MW [22]
  • Type:
  • Projected in service:
  • Coal type: Lignite
  • Coal source: Çayırhan 2 mine, Turkey
  • CO2 Emissions per year: 4 million tons[23]
  • Source of financing:
  • WRI ID: WRI1018710
  • EBC ID: TR-14

Articles and resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 Çevrecilerin karşı çıktığı proje için 'acele kamulaştırma' kararı, Gazete DuvaR, Apr. 16, 2019
  2. "Park Termik Şirket Profili," Park Termik, accessed Dec 2019
  3. Çayırhan-B EIA, 2016, Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi, İzin Ve Denetim Genel Müdürlüğü, 30 May 2016.
  4. 4.0 4.1 EUAS 2016 Yıllık Faaliyet Raporu, EUAS, 2016, accessed December 2019.
  5. Expropriation is the action of the governmental bodies to obtain immovable when the purpose of public interest is legally recognized.
  6. "Kolin-Kalyon-Celikler win Cayirhan privatization tender," Anadolu Agency, Feb 6, 2017
  7. Ankara'nın Kuş Cennetine Termik Santral, Turizm Haber, 27 May 2017.
  8. Çayırhan-B EIA, 2018, Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi, İzin Ve Denetim Genel Müdürlüğü, 18 Jan. 2019.
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Çevrecilerin karşı çıktığı proje için acele kamulaştırma kararı", T24, Apr. 16, 2019
  10. Çayırhan-B Termik Santrali kapasite düşürdü, Enerji Günlüğü, 22 September 2016.
  11. EMRA Licence website, accessed December 2019.
  12. Nallıhan Kuş Cenneti, Nallıhan Kaymakamlığı, accessed December 2019.
  13. Communication with HEAL, December 2019
  14. Orhan Aykaç, Kömür Yakıtlı Termik Santrallerin Baca Gazındaki Kirleticiler, MMO, November 2018
  15. Step forward for health protection in Turkey: Proposal to extend the pollution exemptions given to privatised coal power plants withdrawn, Health And Environment Alliance, Feb. 15, 2019
  16. Communication with HEAL, December 2019
  17. Turkish Parliament will vote about polluting coal power plants next week, Health And Environment Alliance, Feb. 1, 2019.
  18. 50’inci madde kabul edildi, Yeşil Ekonomi, 22 Nov. 2019
  19. Erdoğan Vetoes Bill Postponing Installation of Filters to Coal-Fired Plants, Bianet, 02 December 2019.
  20. TBMM Plan Ve Bütçe Komisyonu, Santrallere Filtre Düzenlemesini Yeniden Görüştü, Meclis Haber, 4 December 2019.
  21. "Elektrik Piyasası Önlisansları,prelicence ÖN/7168/03697 expires July 2020" EMRA, accessed April 2018
  22. Çayırhan B’nin gücü ve bacası yükseltiliyor,Enerji Günlüğü, Feb 11 2018
  23. 350 Ankara: Yeni termik santral yılda 4 milyon ton karbondioksit yayacak,Hürriyet, Feb 2 2017

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