Ann K. Blanc

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Ann Blanc is a Program Officer in the Population and Reproductive Health area at the MacArthur Foundation. "In this position, she works with the area director on grantmaking related to the entire Population and Reproductive Health area, including grants focused on reducing maternal mortality and morbidity and on advancing young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. She has a special responsibility for research explorations and grants.

"Prior to joining the Foundation in 2005, she was president for 6 years of Blancroft Research International, LLC, which provides technical support for demographic and health research in developing countries. The firm’s clients include international, bilateral, and non-governmental organizations. Prior positions include 11 years at the Demographic and Health Surveys program of ORC/Macro and short-term positions at Yale University and the Population Division of the United Nations. Blanc has published widely on the topics of family planning and reproductive health, maternal and child health, and women's empowerment issues and has worked internationally in more than 15 countries. Blanc holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology/Demography from Princeton University." [1]

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  1. Ann K. Blanc, MacArthur Foundation, accessed December 28, 2007.