Population Association of America

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Founded in 1931, the Population Association of America (PAA) "is a nonprofit, scientific, professional organization established to promote the improvement, advancement and progress of the human race through research of problems related to human population." [1]

"In December 1930, 13 people “immediately concerned with research and work in the field of population” met in the New York University office of Henry Pratt Fairchild, professor of sociology and advocate of immigration restriction. They were planning the formation of the Population Association of America (PAA). Margaret Sanger, who had procured funds for the endeavor, was there along with Eleanor Jones, president of the American Birth Control League. Harry Laughlin had come in from the Eugenics Record Office on Long Island, and Louis Dublin and Alfred Lotka had traveled downtown from the actuarial offices of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. O.E. Baker, a geographer at the Department of Agriculture, was up from Washington, D.C. Lowell Reed, population biologist from John Hopkins University, and P.K. Whelpton, agricultural economist from the Scripps Foundation for Research in Population problems, rounded out the academic contingent. Representatives from several foundations were also present. A tentative constitution was drafted and a list of some 70 names drawn up. These would receive letters inviting them to a “Second Conference” in May 1931 at which the Association would formally be established.” [2]

Directors (2007)

Accessed December 2007: [3]


Web: http://www.popassoc.org

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  1. About, Population Association of America, accessed December 28, 2007.
  2. Dennis Hodgson, “The Ideological Origins of the Population Association of America,” Population and Development Review (1991), Volume: 17, Issue: 1, p.2.
  3. Directors, Population Association of America, accessed December 28, 2007.